Mission, in a literal term, means- an important assignment given to a person or group of people, typically involving travel abroad. However, the Humanity Mission that the 22 (20 French and 2 Dutch) people dreamed of was far beyond the feeling of compulsion and quite near the feeling of humanity. The mission, in which they spent some time in the rural area of Dhading (40 km far from the capital Kathmandu), brought a positive impact on the Nepali children studying in lower and lower secondary level of 6 different schools of Dhading and Kavre districts.
Nepal, which lies in the southern part of Asia, is a country of diverse cultures, arts, languages and ethnicity. Despite being rich in these aspects, Nepal lies under the category of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the world. One of the influencing factors for Nepal being the least developed country is its inability to provide quality education to every citizen. The geographical complexities of the country have made it very difficult to make quality education accessible to every nook and corner of the country. In recent years, there has been a significant development in the field of education in Nepal. However, there are still many children who are out of school, or unwilling to go to school.
By the time the activists completed their stay in those schools with the children, they could feel a sensation of warm connection with each other. The children were feeling more comfortable talking to them, sharing their ideas and opinions, and spending time with them than in the early days. Similarly, children were found to have been more active and participative in the learning workshops and sessions.