Soon after the occurrence of the devastating earthquakes in April and May 2015, we felt an urgent need for organizing a Health Camp at Ugrachandi-3, Nala in Kabhre district for serving the earthquake victims.
We organized the camp with the cooperation of Dr. Iwamura Memorial Hospital and Research Centre and were further encouraged by the happiness and gratitude of the people, most of whom were the local elderly. P4P also arranged street performances to make people aware and alert about measures to be taken at the time of earthquake occurrence.
This initiative served not only as an informative mechanism but also offered people knowledge on how to deal with the consequences of the quakes and shocks, and on how to cope with their fears and troubles. We enjoyed sharing what little we had and found warmth in creating new and renewing old relationships. All of this will have a lasting impression on our hearts and minds. In addition, we offered financial support to a few households that were facing acute financial difficulties. In total, more than 300 people benefited directly from the program.