
Shree Janata Primary School is a government school established in 1998. Since there was no school in that area during that time, the locals established this very school on their own, feeling the necessity of school. 


The 2015 earthquake completely destroyed the school building. Due to this, the hope of the local people having a new school again was lost. When we visited the school after the disaster, the building was in critical condition. We decided we wanted to rebuild the school and started to collect resources. Although it was very hard for the locals, they were kind enough to support the rebuild with labor and effort. Now a seven room school is almost ready to use. The local people, school committee, and students, all are very happy.


This year we celebrated the International Day of Peace with the event Wall of Connection, a “Wall of Hope”. We decorated the school wall with a painting that holds three important messages that support the basic principles of primary school: play, learn and grow together.

  1. The wall radiates a positive and happy emotion. It is a reminder of their Togetherness.

  2. The wall also reminds the children of their lessons about Peace, Faith, Love, Laughter, Dance, Joy, Dreams, and Happiness.

The most important message of the wall is: Hope. Because the most important motivation to overcome tough times is hope.
